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Paripos has been incorporated to provide mechanisms for sustainable development through technological, financial and policy intervention. Sustainability is a wicked problem i.e. the problem definition keeps on changing with acquisition of more information and knowledge. Also, problems like these don’t have a spatial or temporal boundary and hence can’t be addressed through traditional problem-solving techniques and mechanisms.


The present institutional setup works on a linear approach to address every problem and any effort with that attitude to solve a wicked problem would be futile. This is probably the reason why no major breakthroughs could be achieved even decades after the issues of climate change and global warming and hence the need for adaptation of sustainable development mechanisms became evident.


The organization acknowledges the fact that the problem of sustainable development could be achieved only through Adaptive problem-solving techniques. It’s a technical, commercial and social problem and all the institutions in these areas will have to work in close collaboration among themselves and with all the stakeholders and practically every living being is a stakeholder.


The flagship product MyOliveBooks is the domain of providing infrastructure for providing quality education and training.andPrimarily the organization works on the nexus of Energy, Agriculture, Water, Climate & Livelihood


Chief Executive Officer
Mr Arindam Bhattacharjee

(MA Columbia University, B-Tech DAIICT).

Have experience in working in microfinance (Ujjivan FSPL), Agriculture (Columbia Water Centre) and energy domain (Sustainable Engineering Labs, Earth Institute).

Energy Lead
Mr Ganapathy Ashokan 

(MS IST-Lisbon and UPC Barcelona, BE-Electrical University of Rajasthan)

Has Experience in Electricity sector in the areas of Generation and Energy Conservation. In the past worked in the implementation of Thermal Power Project and plant O&M, presently working the area of Energy conservation project implementation i.e. Agricultural DSM, Domestic and Municipal efficient lighting programmes.


Software Lead

Mr. Amitesh Kumar

(B-Tech DAIICT).

Has experience working in Infosys and worked in Walmart and Sears projects in United States. His role is the CTO of the company and looks at complete backend architecture.


Research Lead

Dr Ashutosh Dwivedi 

Ashutosh is researcher, academicians and industry professional and was part of various research and product based projects as key member.


Energy Auditing Lead

Bharat Maken

Bharat Maken is a certified green building Auditor and efficiently accomplished civil engineering projects in Government and Private Sector. His work profile included billing, planning, execution, material management as well as allied work.

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